Monday 8 October 2012


' Only with goodbye does hello become precious, become meaningful. It is only when things are lost that we are really feel they are important.'

Hello aq kembali dengan entri terbaru..hehe nak share dengan korang novel Inggeris Alaf21 yang aq minat gilakk nih..Petikan di atas dari Novel itulah yang bertajuk JASMINE ON THE 4TH FLOOR..ce korang google ckit mesti jumpe.

Novel ni mengisahkan.......

Jasmine finds solace in her world of flowers on her 4th floor apartment. She dreams of the day she would leavethe apartment for Singapore. But all her plans are sidelined the day she meets the mysterious Remy.

Remy is on the run from himself. Desperately trying to find meaning in his life, he hides in the flat complex
called Rifle Range. There he befriends Jasmine and immediately takes interest in her. Jasmine, the happy-go-lucky girl is the answer to his problems.

It is a friendship that helps both of them cope with their tortured past and their need to love and be loved. Ultimately Remy’s secret threatens their blossoming love and hopes of a life together.

Could the strengths of their friendship and love overcome the secret that Remy hides?.

Apa yang aq suka tentang novel ni adalah gaya penulisan Inggeris yang senang difahami dan romantis..hehe ala-ala jiwang giteww..N yang paling menarik nyer lagi adalah harga buku ni RM10 ajer..x cayer tgk pix kat atas tuh..Lupe pulak nak cakap sal author dia. Maclean Patrick adalah penulis dari Malaysia yang menulis novel Inggeris bagi memenuhi waktu lapang.Antara karya lain adalah..

Simple aje cover buku beliau tapi penulisan dia memang best..owhh i fell in love..haha.Akhir kata terima la kata puitis dari ku..muuuaahhhh~~

...Such is the way of love. A feeling that most people would say is troublesome yet without it (as some would say) the world would not spin. It was not in the bustle of the city I found love but rather it was on the fourth floor of a community flat that love found me. It is to this love that my world spins and finds its meaning.'

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